In previous versions of Windows, users could choose which system updates to be downloaded and installed. It was also possible to completely disable the updates. In Windows 10 it is not possible – Microsoft forces us to carry out regular updates, which can be run at the inconvenient moment. Fortunately, there is an unofficial way to turn the updates off.
Although Windows 10 does not officially offer the possibility of disabling the automatic upgrades, thanks to a few tricks you can make that they will not be downloaded and installed automatically. Here’s how will it work:
In the case of Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise and Education you can stop the automatic updates by using the Local Group Policy Editor. Unfortunately, this latter function is not available in Windows 10 Home, which is the basic version of the system. Fortunately, in this case, there is a workaround.
Turning off automatic updates in Windows 10 Home
Using Windows 10 Home we have basically one chance – to use the connection settings, marking them as the metered. In this case, no updates will be downloaded automatically.
1. To do this, go to settings.
2. Select “Network and Internet”.
3. We will see a Wi-Fi connection that we use. Click “Advanced Options.”
4. Select the “Set at metered connection”. From now on, Windows will treat our current connection as a network with a limited data package (mobile connection) and therefore the system updates will be charged, so the updates won’t be done without our permission.
Note: The updates will be downloaded, however, when combined with another Wi-Fi network. Then, because the system will see it as a normal connection.
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