Telegram channel or group admins usually realize that they can monetize their work when somebody contacts them and offers money for the ability to advertise their stuff.
In 2020 Pavel Durov announced that there will be possibilities within Telegram to monetize users’ creations – something of an alternative to subscriptions and donations within the app.
Ways to monetize a Telegram channel in 2021
You can ask your users to donate to support your work/content. You can ask for tips or create a page on Patreon or and ask for recurring donations.
Paid posts/ads
You can post sponsored content to your channel, it’s great exposure for a company and if you do it rarely then it will not bother your userbase too much.
Private channel with subscription
You can create a private Telegram channel and charge a fee for every subscription/access to the channel by an individual user.
Affiliate marketing
Having a Telegram group or channel is a great way to promote your affiliate links to products or services. Using affiliate marketing you make a percentage of every sale that people make through your link, so just post-worthy content, reviews, and/or recommendations of products.
Monetize your links
Tools and bots such as Earnify are great to monetize the links that you post within your Telegram page.
Offering services
You can offer your services such as creating bots for Telegram, creating and growing channels, and then selling them.
Sell your stuff
Maybe you’re a freelance designer, video editor or programmer. You can sell your own stuff using Telegram channel or a group as a promotion and exposure tool.
I love testing and writing about new tech. I'm also a gamer and an engineer. Check out my Twitter for keyboard and controller news and reviews.
Build your brand and trustworthness and the rest will usually come.. but affiliate stuff is quite fair if you promote products that are quality